Strona startowa Ludzie pragną czasami się rozstawać, żeby móc tęsknić, czekać i cieszyć się z powrotem.This is the basis of Palestinian claims that the "right" to return is supported by international law, but let's look closer: "Refugees wishing to return to...napiszę na wszystkich forumach w internecie, że odradzam wszystkim korzystać z państwa oferty...8 If you selected Local/Network, click the folder icon next to the text box and browse to the remote site’s root folder...Eighth International Conference on Bear Research and Manage- isotopes of nitrogen in long-finned pilot whales ( Globicephala ment, Victoria, B...If an administrator password is compromised, the attacker will then have access to all resources on the network that are protected with access controls...gicznych na to, że ludzie pozostają zdrowi, kierunku we współczesnej medycynie, przedstawionymi lekarze interniści ...netinst inst, install, net, networknetman net, man, manager, mgr, netmgr, networknetmgr net, man, manager, mgr, netmgr, na Ok cie i tam został naczelnym dyrektorem rze ni...Jej dłoń uniosła się do ust, a oczy rozszerzyły się ze zgrozy...– Czy rzeczywiście? – obejrzała się do tyłu na stojącego tam Draytona...

Ludzie pragną czasami się rozstawać, żeby móc tęsknić, czekać i cieszyć się z powrotem.

You’ll also learn about what makes Java special, why it’s been so successful, and about object-oriented analysis and design.
Chapter 2: Everything is an object This chapter moves you to the point where you can write your first Java program, so it must give an overview of the essentials, including the concept of a “handle” to an object; how to create an object; an introduction to primitive types and arrays; scoping and the way objects are destroyed by the garbage collector; how everything in Java is a new data type (class) and how to create your own classes; functions, arguments, and return values; name visibility and using components from other
libraries; the static keyword; comments and embedded documentation.
Chapter 3:
Controlling program flow
This chapter begins with all of the operators that come to Java from C and C++. In addition, you’ll discover common operator pitfalls, casting, promotion, and
precedence. This is followed by the basic control-flow and selection operations that you get with virtually any programming language: choice with if-else; looping with for and while; quitting a loop with break and continue as well as Java’s labeled break and labeled continue (which account for the “missing goto” in Java); and selection using switch. Although much of this material has common threads with C
and C++ code, there are some differences. In addition, all the examples will be full Java examples so you’ll get more comfortable with what Java looks like.
Chapter 4:
Initialization and cleanup
This chapter begins by introducing the constructor, which guarantees proper
initialization. The definition of the constructor leads into the concept of function overloading (since you might want several constructors). This is followed by a discussion of the process of cleanup, which is not always as simple as it seems.
Normally, you just drop an object when you’re done with it and the garbage
collector eventually comes along and releases the memory. This portion explores the garbage collector and some of its idiosyncrasies. The chapter concludes with a closer look at how things are initialized: automatic member initialization, specifying 30
Thinking in Java
member initialization, the order of initialization, static initialization and array initialization.
Chapter 5:
Hiding the implementation
This chapter covers the way that code is packaged together, and why some parts of a library are exposed while other parts are hidden. It begins by looking at the package and import keywords, which perform file-level packaging and allow you to build libraries of classes. The subject of directory paths and file names is also examined. The remainder of the chapter looks at the public, private, and protected keywords, the concept of “friendly” access, and what the different levels of access control mean when used in various contexts.
Chapter 6: Reusing
The concept of inheritance is standard in virtually all OOP languages. It’s a way to take an existing class and add to its functionality (as well as change it, the subject of Chapter 7). Inheritance is often a way to reuse code by leaving the “base class” the same, and just patching things here and there to produce what you want. However, inheritance isn’t the only way to make new classes from existing ones. You can also embed an object inside your new class with composition. In this chapter you’ll learn about these two ways to reuse code in Java, and how to apply them.
Chapter 7: Polymorphism
On your own, you might take nine months to discover and understand
polymorphism, a cornerstone of OOP. Through small, simple examples you’ll see
how to create a family of types with inheritance and manipulate objects in that family through their common base class. Java’s polymorphism allows you to treat all objects in this family generically, which means the bulk of your code doesn’t rely on specific type information. This makes your programs extensible, so building programs and code maintenance is easier and cheaper. In addition, Java provides a third way to set up a reuse relationship through the interface, which is a pure abstraction of the interface of an object. Once you’ve seen polymorphism, the
interface can be clearly understood. This chapter also introduces Java 1.1 inner classes.
Chapter 8:
Holding your objects